Services & Rates


Service & Rates

Integrative Sessions are provided based on your personal needs and goals

One Light Healing Touch

OLHT is a series of hands-on energy techniques based on caring for the whole person. Mary Kay  assesses the client’s issues and energy blockages, then guides the client through a series of restorative techniques and practices, while transmitting various levels of healing energies to rebalance the client’s energy system. OLHT is useful for chronic and acute conditions,and is a unique and comprehensive approach to healing. OLHT sessions are conducted with client fully clothed, seated in a comfortable chair or lying on a massage table.

For more in formation:

OLHT Session  – $80.  per 50 MINUTE SESSION


 During a ThetaHealing session Mary Kay utilizes the ThetaHealing technique to assist you in identifying limiting beliefs and habits and guides a meditative process to facilitate Creator’s healing of physical, emotional and spiritual issues. The ThetaHealing technique is a meditation technique and spiritual philosophy – not specific to one religion but accepting them all – with the purpose of getting closer to the Creator. It is a method for your mind, body and spirit that allows you to clear limiting beliefs and live life with positive thoughts, developing virtues in all that we do. Through meditation and prayer, the ThetaHealing Technique creates a positive lifestyle.  During a ThetaHealing Session a client is seated in a comfortable chair.

ThetaHealing :  $80 per  50 MINUTE SESSION

For more information:

Spiritual Direction/Guidance

 Spiritual Direction/Guidance is a spiritually based modality that honors all faith beliefs. It is an opportunity for you to speak and receive support and reverence for your personal spiritual path.

During your spiritual guidance session, Mary Kay welcomes you into a sacred and safe space to express your experiences of the Divine and any challenges you may have in encountering the Sacred.  Mary Kay will offer guiding suggestions to encourage you in your unique soul journey.



Thirty Minute Integrative Massage

This massage session focuses on specific areas of the body to relieve pain, muscle tension and stress, weaving in energy balancing as needed.

Thirty Minute Massage – $50

Please contact me to discuss any of the above services.